
The Good Witch – Album Review

The Good Witch is a snapshot of Maisie Peters‘s life at the moment she wrote this album. A reflection on a broken heart that shines light on the good and bad, but most importantly her way of coming out of it stronger than ever. This sophomore album has amazing song writing, witty lyrics and the perfect pop sound to make this your new sing along record. The singer from the UK smartly includes tarot visuals and metaphors on love and its magic in the album’s visuals and sound. The Good Witch is a rollercoaster of emotions and I’m happy to guide you through it in this album review! 

Act 1 – The Mourning

While every song is telling its own story the album is telling us a whole tale. The first six songs are full of the pain that you initially feel in a breakup. Maisie is writing from the “victims” perspective and revealing regrets in the upbeat song Coming of Age. The strange feeling of distance is portrayed in Watch, which is a beautiful pop ballad. Her single Body Better was a full success and found a place in the fans hearts as she incorporates themes of insecurity and comparing yourself to other partners. 

Act 2 – The Thrive

In the song You’re Just A Boy (And I’m Kinda The Man) there is an obvious shift in her attitude towards the situation. Maisie felt held back by her partner and now is letting go to pursue her dreams. This leads over into Lost The Breakup where she clearly had a big realization moment that she turned out to win the breakup and knows it wasn’t her loss but his. In BSC Maisie surprises with more pop-punk sounds and a witty writing that is on another level. “You think I’m alright but I’m actually bloody motherfucking batshitcrazy”. Between those bold sounds there are also more quiet tracks like Two Weeks Ago that tells the story of regret and missed opportunities and fragility of love. 

The Beginning…

The opening track and last song on the album really stood out to me and deserve some extra recognition in this album review. 

The Good Witch is referencing the intro track of her first album You Signed Up For This. Back then she was singing “I am 20 and probably upset right now.” In this intro we hear her say “Still me here, d’you think I forgot about you? Still upset, but now I’m 22.” It is a representation of her life now and reflecting where she stood when writing her first album. It is a lovely small easteregg to find for her fans that followed her journey. Maisie’s voice echoes softly over ethereal piano notes until the beat slowly builds up and drums kick in. The ending is a blur of distorted voicemail snippets that sound nostalgic and end in the echo of fans shouting her name until the track fades out. 

The End…

While all the other songs were very personal History Of Man is bigger than just her, said Maisie. It sums up all the themes and realizations of her previous writing and conclude the female experience as a whole. As much as you fight woman often feel like they will never get as far as man. “Womans hearts are lethal weapons. Did you hold mine and feel threatened? Hear my lyrics, taste my venom.” I love this lyric because Maisie’s greatest gift is music and putting experiences into melodies and words for all her fans to feel. It is the love and pain that fuel her creativity and as much those unfair partners hurt her, she made art and a career out of her music and therefor takes back power over her life. 

The Good Witch is a timeless classic that guides you through the ups and downs of a breakup like a big sister. Maisie is not sugarcoating anything, but the realness and wittiness of her songs make it that special. In this album review we learned that love is magic and powerful, but we are all witches and can take control over our own life to create good things. Maisie is teaching some beautiful lessons here and truly produced an unforgettable sophomore album. 

Photo Credits: Em Marcovecchio

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